5 brand that you like the most
= adidas
= pilot
= compaq
= milo(so sorry 2 say..its nestle..arghh..)
5 brand that you dislike the most
= coffe break..hahahaha..
= made in _ _ _ _ _ things
= made in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ things
= McD
= Mangga
5 countries that you want to go the most
= mekah&madinah
= turkey
5 countries that you do not want to go the most
5 item that you like the most
= Quran
= asfour crystal
= watch
= digital camera
= ticket flight..hahahaha..(dr darjah 6 asekk mintak ni je)
5 item that you dislike the most
= cigarette
= pencuriiiiiiii(ni ltk kat item sudeyh)..kalo org mesti reti piker mencuri tu dosa..ces..
= bekas comel
= pen sng pecah dakwat
= kasut keras
5 people that you love the most
= Nabiyyin
= ma
= abah
= ipe
= kakedu
5 people that you hate the most
x bek benci org..Tuhan marah..tp ada;
= yahudi(qaum yg belot shj)
= yahudi(qaum yg belot shj)
= yahudi(qaum yg belot shj)
= yahudi(qaum yg belot shj)
= yahudi(qaum yg belot shj)
5 color that you like the most?
= blue
= pink
= yellow
= green
= grey
5 color that you dislike the most?
= orange
= brown
= soldier green
= striking pink
= klabu _ _ _ _ dog
5 things that you dream the most(dream mimpi@impian ni??sy jwb impian la ye)
= grad 2012
= kawen tyme blaja..hahahahah..
= g mekah ngan famili 2012
= Quran
= dpt ank tyme blaja..hahahaha lagi skali..
5 things that you not dream at all
= markah lowest dlm batch
= ttinggal flight
= kawen lambat
= repeat year
= fail xm
5 of your positive character
= cpt bkawan
= x suka kwn dgn l_l_ _ _
= tidak berdendam
= suka sengeh
= cool
5 of your negative character
= byk cakap
= over confident
= x mampu membela diri bila MALAS menyerang
= slamba
= cakap kuat(adeii the most thing that I regret ever)
5 moments that you miss the most
= balik rumah
= cuti lps spm
= blaja drive keta
= intec uitm
= khatam Quran qiraati Al-hidayah
5 moments that you do not want to remember at all
= dosa lalu
= plkn
= zaman gatal
= hasil kerja khb dicuri kawan sdr
= org yg dikagumi slama hidup buat sesuatu yg x penah dibayang
5 positive characters of your best buddies
= bila bersamanya ingat TUHAN
= tidak suka mengumpat
= supportive
= give & take
= determine
5 negative characters of your best buddies
= kwn sy bek2 blaka..hoho..(sila kembang)
5 things that you happy to do the most (of your entire life)
= kawen(sapa x nk kawen??)
= grad 2012 dgn jayanya
= balik rumah
= g mekah dgn famili
= ngaji
5 things that you regret the most
= malas belajar
= men game
= makan walaupun dah kenyang
= tidur banyak
= ni ha..tgh buat..ngadap laptop dlm tmph masa yg lama..
Single question
>>simple answer;)<<
Favorite animal?
= bird
Favorite actor?
= f _ _ _ _ _
= maya
Favorite things that you do when you are alone?
= tido..hahah..
Favorite website?
= syazanichannel@youtube(aii kembang la syazani ni)
Favorite moment?
= fly,31st august 2008..
Favorite vegetable?
= rebung
Favorite movie?
hahhaha. bagus tolong jwb kn.
ReplyDeletenk tolong take control blog ni pn bole.
kakedu kmu mmg bz sket.
itula..ntah apa yg dibizikannya x tau lah..sempat lagi dok melayan jiwa bz2 pon..